A young woman (Christina Kontseta), who is pursued by a crazy man (Paschalis Tsarouchas), struggles to survive on an isolated plateau. This man is one of two who have been the subject of secret experi...
This is a dramatized documentary referring to an ancient act of worship, sacrifice to the gods, as seen in its contemporary manifestation and survival in the Christian religion and through the eyes of...
A partisan fighter saves 70 villagers from the firing squad during the German occupation. When he falls into a gorge trying to escape his pursuers, the villagers consider him dead and erect a statue i...
End of July, and it’s holiday time. Panos and Michalis are brothers-in-law from Thessaloniki and run a small business together. Brimming over with high spirits, they leave for Thasos to meet their ...
A young man (Alexandros Logothetis) travels to Romania to bring back women to work at his new bar. After many adventures, he manages to find three girls and brings them to Greece. The bar becomes extr...